2 Day Itinerary at NWAC

The 2025 Northwest Aviation Conference is marking a significant milestone in its 41st year! We are excited to be hosting a packed event featuring an impressive lineup of 200+ exhibits and displays, along with 65 hours dedicated to pilot safety and topics for mechanics, pilots and aircraft owners. In addition, we have a comprehensive series of sessions scheduled for Saturday, specifically tailored for new and aspiring pilots, as well as aviation enthusiasts of all ages. If you know a someone - young or old- who is considering aviation career options, we encourage you to motivate him or her to participate Saturday. The Career day kicks off at 9:30 AM with a two-hour workshop focusing on aviation careers, culminating in a 1:00 PM forum featuring experienced pilots and Air Traffic Controllers who have successfully navigated their own paths and will share invaluable insights on achieving a rewarding journey in aviation.

A few tips to make the best of your two days:

  1. Download the schedule. This is page 20-21 of our Event Guide (available at the show and online) but you will see that some of the sessions are repeated SAT and SUN, so get the best use of your 2 day event, you may have to do some planning! We’ve created this handy PDF to make that a little easier. Download

    The event hours are 9 AM - 5:30 PM SAT, FEB 22 and 10AM - 4 PM SUN, FEB 23.

  2. Tickets. The event costs $10/day for adults over 17 years old (kids are FREE). You can purchase admission with cash at the Showplex entrance. If you are attending for two days consider purchasing a discounted lanyard for $15 online. This will get you into the event both days and you can pick it up at Will Call when you enter the event. Link

  3. Driving and Parking. The event is located at the Washington State Fairgrounds in Puyallup. If you are flying in, the nearest airport is Thun Field (Pierce County Airport) . If you are driving, Google will take you to 9th Ave which is the administration offices for the Fairgrounds. You will want to go to the Blue Gate and park in the Blue Lot. The Blue Gate is on Meridian, so watch for the Blue Lot across the street. Parking is FREE but the security is watching five other lots at the same time so please do not leave valuables visible.

  4. Lodging. There are plenty of hotels in the area. (When I looked this morning there were still rooms at the Fairfield and Holiday Inn Express.) Check out the list on this page.

  5. Food. There is a food court on site at the event. There is also coffee available (as supplies last or coffee perks) at the WAA Information booth. There are also some nice restaurants in the area, We always enjoy going to Cattin’s next door (simple but really good for breakfast).

  6. Questions? If you are looking for an exhibitor, need help finding a room or just want to say hi, feel free to stop by the Washington Aviation Association information booth near the food court ( and entrance). We’d love to see you. email


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