IA Maintenance Refresher Training


Includes admission both days to Conference, reserved seat at all sessions, FAA certified certificate.

•••• NOTE: You will need to click on cart in lower right hand corner of screen to complete purchase. Here you will enter your name, address and email. Please be sure to enter your name as it appears on you FAA certificate if you wish to receive a certificate after the 8-Hour renewal. Sorry for the confusion! •••••

Add To Cart

Includes admission both days to Conference, reserved seat at all sessions, FAA certified certificate.

•••• NOTE: You will need to click on cart in lower right hand corner of screen to complete purchase. Here you will enter your name, address and email. Please be sure to enter your name as it appears on you FAA certificate if you wish to receive a certificate after the 8-Hour renewal. Sorry for the confusion! •••••

Includes admission both days to Conference, reserved seat at all sessions, FAA certified certificate.

•••• NOTE: You will need to click on cart in lower right hand corner of screen to complete purchase. Here you will enter your name, address and email. Please be sure to enter your name as it appears on you FAA certificate if you wish to receive a certificate after the 8-Hour renewal. Sorry for the confusion! •••••

SATURDAY | February 22, 2025

SATURDAY | 2025 Preliminary Schedule

8:00 AM | Aircraft Battery Technology 2025 | Dave Vega, Western Technical Sales Manager, Cocorde Battery Corporation
The battery is the heart of your aircraft. Concorde Battery Corporation presents the recommended methodologies for proper servicing, capacity testing, and charging your aircraft battery. The goal is to safely maximize the life of your battery by using established and proper maintenance practices. Additional topics include; lead acid aircraft battery ratings, commissioning of lead acid aircraft batteries, cleaning & storage, installation eligibility and an overview of contemporary battery technologies in the marketplace. Dave Vega brings decades of experience working with lead acid batteries, in both technical and customer support, working with MRO’s and repair stations throughout the west. Dave has a 35 year aviation background in General Aviation to Business Jet & Rotorcraft markets. He began his aviation career working at Standard Aero in 1982 and has continued as a Regional Sales Manager for parts distribution for last 20 years, successful in sales management and support. Dave joined the Concorde Battery Sales Team in 2018.

9:00 AM | General Aviation Muffler Systems, An "Exhaustive" Overview | James Shafrer, Power Flow Systems, Inc.
Jim will explain the design, construction, and best practices for the maintenance and repair of traditional aircraft exhaust systems. We will also discuss the theory and design concepts of tuned exhaust systems for general aviation aircraft and how they can benefit both four and six cylinder aircraft engines equipped with either fixed pitch or constant speed propellers.

10:15 AM | V-Band Couplings, Exhaust, Turbochargers and More
Paul Gryko, Regional Sales Manager- Canada / NW United States, Hartzell Aerospace

11:30 | Corrosion Prevention and Control | Mark Pearson, Lear Chemical Research Corporation
Technical presentation, covering effective corrosion control of aviation components using thin-film water displacement compounds. Mark Pearson is Technical Support Manager, repairman license since 2009, BA in Business.

Lunch from 12-1:30 — please visit exhibits

1:30 PM | Fuel Cells and Components in Unleaded Fuel | Kurt Hartwig, Eagle Fuel Cells
An overview of current and future fuels and their effects on fuel cells and other fuel system. IA renewal seminar covering: Aviation fuels and their effects on fuel cells and fuel system components., overview of leaded fuels, overview of unleaded fuels, current effects, potential future effects, and suggested inspections components.

Kurt is an FAA licensed technician with over 40 years of fuel cell repair and installation experience.He has spoken for the FAA and PAMA at IA refreshers across the country for over 25 years. He is a member of the Wisconsin Aviation Trades Association, PAMA, AOPA, ABS, EAA & CAP. He served as Airport Commissioner and chairman from 2000 to 2010. He is currently the owner and General Manager for Eagle Fuel Cells an FAA and EASA Certified Repair Station and the owner of Storehouse LLC a TSO / PMA manufacturer

2:30 PM | Troubleshooting and Maintaining RSA Fuel Injection Systems and MSA Carburetors Alan Jesmer, Tempest Aero Group

    • Operation of mechanical RSA fuel injection systems

    • Maintaining and troubleshooting RSA fuel injection systems

    • Operation of float carburetors

    • Maintaining and troubleshooting MSA carburetors

3:30 PM TBD

4:30 PM | TBD | Paul Gryko, Hartzell Aerospace Welding Company


10:15 AM | Fuel Cell Maintenance | Kurt Hartwig, Eagle Fuel Cells

A quick review fuel cell basics and fuel system problems followed by leak diagnosis and removal and installation techniques with more time allowed for specific questions from the group. IA renewal seminar covering: Overview of components, leak diagnosis, removal and installation techniques, diagnosing & tracing problems, removal tips, cavity preparation, installation tips and questions & answers. Kurt is an FAA licensed technician with over 40 years of fuel cell repair and installation experience.He has spoken for the FAA and PAMA at IA refreshers across the country for over 25 years. He is a member of the Wisconsin Aviation Trades Association, PAMA, AOPA, ABS, EAA & CAP. He served as Airport Commissioner and chairman from 2000 to 2010. He is currently the owner and General Manager for Eagle Fuel Cells an FAA and EASA Certified Repair Station and the owner of Storehouse LLC a TSO / PMA manufacturer