Lodging at NWAC
Make your reservations now in the 2025 NWAC hotel block at Fairfield Marriott.
Public Block 02/20 – 02/24/25
Reservations must be made online/by individual call in no later than January 20th, 2025
After this date, your room inventory will fall out of our system, and I cannot guarantee I will be able to extend the group room rate to any future reservations.
Attendees are able to make reservations by visiting the following link online: Washington Aviation Guest Rooms | Fairfield by Marriott Puyallup, WA or by calling our hotel directly at 253-770-3100.
Please note: The booking link will only work for the nights included on the agreement: February 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 2025. Should you have any guests that would like to make reservations outside of these dates, they will need to call the hotel directly.
Any guest using the reservation link will need to input their stay dates manually in order to get the group rate to populate.